Allison Bishop » Welcome


This year we will continue to explore and respond to student-selected works.  We will analyze literature using literary terms, draft a literary essay, and analyze nonfictional text.  Additionally, we will compose a position paper, present informational passion projects and participate in class books clubs.


February Conferences 2/27-2/29

Conference letters are being sent home on 2/19.  The link to sign up is on your child's Schoology class page. Appointment confirmations will be sent via email by 2/23.

March Conference Information

  • Conferences are March 1st and 2nd
  • A letter with information was sent home today
  • The Google Form for sign-ups is posted on Schoology

Fall Conferences 11/15 and 11/16

A fall conference letter will be sent home on Thursday, 11/3.  The link to the letter and sign-up will also be posted on your child's Schoology class page.