Megan Glancy » Physical Education Vocab

Physical Education Vocab

Important words for us to understand and use.


 ENCOURAGEMENT /noun/ A feeling of support, confidence, or hope.

 The encouragement Kim felt came from positive words her friends were saying.


ENJOY /verb/ To have a fun time.

 We enjoy physical activity.


ENTHUSIASM /noun/ An important feeling you get when you’re excited about a goal and are motivated to work toward that goal.

 Ms. Glancy is enthusiastic about being the best teacher she can be.


HEALTH /noun/ Free from sickness and injury. Feeling physical, mental, and social well-being.

Being physically active every day helps to protect our health.


PERSONAL BEHAVIOR /noun/ The actions of an individual person.

 Ms. Glancy taught us to take responsibility for our personal behavior.


PERSONAL SPACE /noun/ The area around a person where they feel safe. It feels uncomfortable when someone enters this space.

To keep everyone safe, we must respect at least 6 feet of personal space.


RESOURCE /noun/ The supplies, opportunities, and support that a person can use in order to do a job or live productively.

Kendra can go to a park near her house to walk with her family. It’s a great resource that she can use to be physically active.


RESPECT /noun/ A feeling of honor for the feelings and rights of others.

We have respect for the health of our classmates, so we wear our masks while we’re together.


TRUST /noun/ A good feeling you get when you can rely on someone or something.

We trust that our teachers and classmates will behave in ways that help to keep everyone safe.


WELLNESS /noun/ Good personal physical and mental health.

Wellness is an important goal that Megan’s family is working toward.