Randee Skloff » Welcome to 7th GRADE SCIENCE.

Welcome to 7th GRADE SCIENCE.

Welcome to our science class. I believe that science is a way of knowing, thinking and using our knowledge to explain the world around us. Some of you may think that you don’t like science, or that it is too hard for you. Others may say that science is one of their favorite classes.  I will do my best to provide you with multiple opportunities for learning in a hands-on, minds-on format. I hope you will all enjoy our science class!

All information about our science class will be found on your Schoology account. You can see the weekly lesson plan calendar and what has been covered/assigned in class by following the link on your Schoology science class page. 



  • district distributed laptop
  • a pair of earbuds that plug into the computer. No wireless sets.
  • a composition notebook (100 page preferred)
  • pencils, pens and a highlighter
  • glue sticks or glue pens
  • colored pencils and/or crayons to be kept in class (label with name) or in locker

Should you need assistance providing any of these materials, please contact me and I will do my best to provide your child with what he or she needs.

I am looking forward to meeting all of the parents/guardians at
BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT on September 12, 2022 6:00pm