

Dear parents,


Welcome to Ms. Curran's 8th grade science class! 


Please know that I am committed to our curriculum and to ensuring that your child has a long lasting and best learning experience possible.  In an attempt to keep things organized, all of  your child’s instructions for their learning activities will be assigned through Schoology.  Please see the link at the right of this page to read more about the 8th grade science curriculum. Details on where to find grade information is listed below.  


Power School Grade Book: This is where you will find your child's overall trimester score and the specific score for each activity.  Grades may take a week or two to be entered after the assignment was provided.  


Schoology "Grade Book": This is where you can look to see why your child has a specific score on an activity and exactly what was submitted.  You will need to use your child's Schoology information to access this page.  It is located on the left-hand side of the Schoology course.  Please disregard the overall score that might show up here.  


The instructional lessons taught in my class are thoughtfully prepared so as to not overwhelm your children but to also help them still learn and move forward.  I truly believe that teaching our children responsibility is the best way for us to assist them in becoming responsible, productive, and successful members of society. 


If you have any questions or concerns about anything, please feel free to reach out. 


Remain positive and stay well,

 Ms. Curran 

“Together we can do great things.”




The Daily Learning Plan is linked to Schoology!
Schoology is where you will find details about classroom policies and assignments.  Please check your child's Schoology page regularly.   
Homework Tips