Welcome to the 7th Grade
The 7th grade textbook can be found:
enVision Mathematics 2021 Common Core Grade 7
Lessons and practice work can be found on the class Schoology pages.
Ms. Carlucci
ext. 7205 - Periods 1 & 2, ext. 7212 Period 5
Select your given class, folder and if needed send messages.
Your attendance in class is very important and it is your responsibility to see me to get any assignment you may have missed. You are not excused from that day’s work but should you need extra time, just send me a message from Schoology.
All assignments can be found on Schoology. I will give time in class to work independently and ask questions, if needed. Homework will usually be given Monday through Thursday if the classwork is not completed. It is important that students attempt the work independently after directions have been given and clarified, to assess their understanding.