Welcome Class of 2025 to Ms. Holsey's 8th Grade Language Arts Class!
Hello, 8th graders!!! Welcome to Language Arts!!!
I look forward to learning along with you during this school year. Our focus will be on kindness, patience, and LEARNING! I am so excited to meet you, so we can make this a successful year in Language Arts.
Here is a SUPPLY LIST to get you started:
- 2 inch three-ring binder
-10 dividers
- Composition notebook
- Sturdy 3-ring Folder
- Pencils (we will be doing a lot of editing!)
- Independent Reading Book (Please bring a book of your choice from home or from a library until you are benchmarked in class for a current reading level) Our classroom is full of great books for you to eventually choose from!
- Wired headphones
Please visit my Schoology page for daily lessons, materials needed, updates to assignments and learning resources for your particular class. Your Schoology access codes are below according to your Language Arts scheduled period: Please join as a member for your scheduled period with me. I'm looking forward to seeing you all soon!!
LA Section 8202 Access Code: NHDT-WQF5-HQZDT
LA Section 8204 Access Code: T9T4-H27J-Q5RFN
LA Section 8206 Access Code: 4NTN-STRT-J3G76
Join my class Remind on your phone!!!
LA Section 8202 (2A/4B/6C) - Send a text to 81010 Text this message: @msholseysl
LA Section 8204 (2B/4C/6A) - Send a text to 81010 Text this message: @3g78d2e
LA Section 8206 (2C/4A/6B) - Send a text to 81010 Text this message: @3d76hk9
Grading Policy:
- The Standards-based report card will be followed.
- Grades will be weighted as follows:
50% Tests and Specific Reading Projects
35% Quizzes and Specific Reading/Writing Assignments
10% Classwork
5% Homework
- Grades will be posted in the grade book as soon as the work is graded. Please check the parent portal regularly. See rubrics and comments on submitted papers in Schoology.
- Please makeup missed quizzes/tests/homework in a timely manner. It is your responsibility to make up your work!
- Please hand in all work ON TIME! Plenty of time is given for written assignments, so points will be deducted for late work.
- Assignments, Behaviors that Support Learning & Preparedness will be assessed on the report card on a 4-point scale.
** Parents: Please check the "parent portal" on a regular basis. If work is missing or late, I will mark it "MISSING" or "LATE." I may also add a note in the grade book. If you see a hyperlink, then there is a note. CLICK ON IT. If an assignment grade is blank, that does not necessarily mean your child did not do the assignment. It most likely means I am not finished grading it yet. Please email me w/ any questions regarding grades.
Classroom Policies
Classroom Rules & Expectations:
1. Come to class on time with all required materials, and be ready to work.
2. Keep hands, feet, objects, and negative comments to yourself.
3. Do not write on desks or other school property.
4. Treat one another and your teacher with kindness and respect.
5. Have respect for school property & the property of others.
6. Raise your hand when you wish to speak or leave the room.
7. Respect those who are speaking (Do not interrupt).
8. Personal grooming is not permitted in class at any time.
9. The use of cell phones is not permitted in my classroom at any time. (See school policy)
10. When in doubt, ask!
11. Remember why we are here – to learn!
Academic Integrity
It is expected that any work you turn in is your own. Plagiarism will not be tolerated! Plagiarized work will be given a zero and disciplinary action will be taken.
** Please see the school policy in the student handbook.
- Please follow the school policy for the proper use of the school provided TABLET. I will not tolerate students playing games, going on other websites, or doing work for another class on the tablet while I am teaching or they are supposed to be working on something in LA class.
- You should have your tablet in class with you each day & bring it home each night. In LA Class we use Schoology for some assignments, quizzes, and tests. I try my best to provide updated and helpful info./resources for students on this site. If you have a question about an assignment, please always check Schoology first. It is likely that the answer to your question is right there.
- Be sure to charge your tablet each night.
- Keep any digital handouts organized with folders. It is best to save all files to Google Drive. This way you can access files at any time, even if you are using a loaner. Any hard copies go in the LA folder.
** Suggestion: Do not leave your tablet plugged in all night to charge or continually charge it while you are working on it. Get in the habit of allowing the battery to drain to 10% or less & then charge it to 100%. Once it hits 100% - UNPLUG it. Overcharging damages the battery & eventually the tablet will not hold a charge as long as it used to.
** It is YOUR responsibility to charge your tablet AT HOME! Be sure to come to class each day w/ a charged device!!
Updated contact information:
email: [email protected]
ext: 8228
Room E205